Holy Crap
So today I was all domesticated and decided to strap on the old apron and hose down the house, in my fight on filth I made my way out to the car to grab my son's car seat since it's something I have been m
eaning to do for quite some time even more so now that his presc
hool teachers get him in and out of the car twice a week.
Lord have mercy on me for what I have had my son riding in or on for that matter. I swear it had multi grain crackers, lost gummy treats, m&m's, milk milk and yes more milk stains. You might be asking yourself at this point why did I wait so long? Well to be honest I can't get the damn seat out of the car by myself and today I forced myself to do so. My husband would be proud, if he even takes notice.
My new dilemma is putting this thing back together. Why are these cover such a pain in the ass to get off in the first place. I need a manual to figure it out. I have less than a day to do so as he has school tomorrow. It would be sad to see us roll up with him riding on foam padding...